I think it’s safe to say that the times we live in are both frightening and hopeful. Last night I went to
Peter Kassig |
As Chris Matthews, host of MSNBC Hardball read Peter's letter to his parents, I couldn't help but admire Peter's courage and be inspired by his faith. Here is a young man who went to Syria to help those suffering from the horrors of war. He didn't wait for an invitation, he was compelled by compassion and paid the ultimate price. The ultimate price for daring to love and serve where the powerful and capable refuse to go. Those professing the same faith as he did stood over and cowardly murdered him.
Jesus said, "Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of ... you didn't do it for one of the least important of these, you didn't do it for me. ... to you, as long as you did it not to one of these least, neither did you do it to me. [Matthew 25:31-46]
Peter Kassig lived a short life, yet his life was courageous and fruitful. He will be remembered long after his murderers are forgotten. His life is in contrast to some of us who profess Christianity yet practice a life style contrary to the tenants of our faith. Peter lived by the example and teachings of Christ. He reminds us that there are some Christians who are willing to defy the madness and hatred sweeping our world and dedicate their life to Christ.
Peter is among my heroes of faith.
Greater love has no man than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13